
Today is January 29, 2010.

A Resident Evil Licker (draft 3)

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Spring Haiku

Today is January 29, 2010.

Here is some old ascii art.

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                        //////\    / /`-- \   |\\\\
 The spring sun kisses  ///////\_.' / `.\  `. |\\\\
 Intimately your face   //////    _/ `. /    `' \  `
 gazes upon me.         /////   .'  `-./       \
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What mathematicians do

Today is May 6, 2009.

What mathematicians do, between proofs.

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Today is May 1, 2009.

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A simple sun

Today is April 30, 2009.

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          ,-'  .' /|\ `.  `-.
             .'  / | \  `.
            '   /  |  \   `

And here are some cats

Today is April 18, 2009.

Even if they may look more like something else.

    ^---^       ^---^       ^---^
   ( - - )     ( o o )	   (<> <>)
    \_^_/       \_^_/ 	    \_^_/

             /\      /\
            /  \____/  \
           |            |
           | <i>    <i> |
           \     /\     /
            \  ^____^  /

Les crânes obligatoire

Today is April 18, 2009.

The obligatory skulls.

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    :(_)  (_);	          :          :	          :          :
    `   '`   '	          :  _    _  ;	          : (_)  (_) ;
      `++++'	          : ( )  ( ) :	           `   '`   '
       `--'	          ::   '`   :;	            :`++++';
		           !:      :!	             ``..''

Which one you like the most depends on taste and font.

The Kitchen Knife

Today is April 13, 2009.

Google: No results found for "In the kitchen, no one can hear you ice cream."

      ___________________________________ ______________________
    .' In the kitchen,                   | (_)     (_)    (_)   \
  .'   no one can hear you ice cream.    |  ____          ____   }
.',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_____|_(    `--------'    )_/ 

Main Site

Last modified: Wed May 6 17:36:30 GMT 2009