Tag Archives: sysbench

Compiling Sysbench on OS X Yosemite or Later

These instructions are applicable after cloning the git repository and generating the autoconfigure scripts.

git clone 'https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench.git' sysbench
cd sysbench

In order to build Sysbench1 with PostgreSQL and MariaDB support, you need to make sure both mysql_config and pg_config are in your path.

I use Zsh, so this is my way of doing it, when both Postgres and MariaDB have been installed with MacPorts.

path=( /opt/local/lib/mariadb-10.1/bin /opt/local/lib/postgresql96/bin $path )

Then run

./configure --with-pgsql --with-mysql --prefix=/path/of/your/choice

You are likely to get an error like

ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4

if you do not also


before running make, while building the bundled LuaJit. This is documented in their installation instructions.

Of course, this isn’t taken care of by the wrapper Autotools, nor is there a configure flag to set this.

An alternative might be --with-system-luajit but that depends on your situation.

Then you finish it off with make install. Happy benchmarking.

1 I hope I’m linking to the right git repository.